Tuesday, October 30, 2012

~Marchin' On~

A lot of times I use song lyrics to describe the way I feel. For the past several months the song Marchin' On by One Republic has described exactly how I feel, but it has also been my Inspiration to move forward--->>>>  when I think about moving forward I think about feet just moving one foot in front of the other.

That's why I found it extremely ironic that our first project of the year was to draw still life of a pile of shoes. There I was sitting in a class I had taken, because I needed to learn how to express the way I felt, and we had to draw a picture of something that to me, represented everything I felt. 

So shoes it was. I brought in my pair of shoes that I felt I wouldn't want/need to wear in the following week or so, and then I sat there, blankly staring, wondering how to start. Over the next week I used a viewfinder to capture my picture, and then I drew it and erased it, and drew it, and erased it, and shaded it, and smudged it, and erased it, and smeared it, and finally I was finished. Except that I have a tendency not to like my art once I finish. And after all if we can always keep Marchin' On how is it ever possible to be finished something? But in the end, I let it be as it was and decided it wasn't all that bad, and I would get better throughout the year. 

So this is it: Real Life vs. My Drawn Version of the Real Life

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