Wednesday, June 12, 2013

~Marchin On~

"We put one foot in front of the other, we move like we ain't got no other, we go where we go we're marchin' on."

Wow I can't believe Senior year is already over. In just 8 days I'll be graduating. Wow. This year has certainly been an eventful one. I honestly don't know what I would have done without art class. School in general not a place I particularly wanted to be, but I could have stayed in art class all day.  Art was and will continue to be my place of complete honesty. In Ms. Kiick's classroom I could really be who I wanted to be. I even let my bad moods show through.  My art often reflected my moods, and honestly I love how they turned out. So although life itself was a bit stormy this year, I don't think I could have had a better art class. So I want to take the time to say thanks to everyone who helped me through these past four years, and to Ms. Kiick for always being understanding, motivating, and helpful in every way possible. I will truly miss this class in college.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Moving Along

This is a compilation of all my art work I've done this year. Featuring the song Move Along, by The All American Rejects.